Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screening

Why Choose Our Dental Clinic?

Oropharyngeal cancer, or “oral” cancer, is a disease that comes out when malignant cells form in the mouth or throat. This can include any part of the mouth such as the back of the tongue, tonsils, walls of the throat, or palate. The leading causes of oral cancer are addiction to alcohol and a history of smoking. Our professional dentist and staff offer oral cancer screenings as a preventative test to be completed during a regular oral exam. The screening helps detect any abnormalities in and around the mouth that might reveal cancerous cells. Early screening for abnormal cells can greatly increase the chance of recovery and survival. Since symptoms are typically not obvious in the beginning, a screening can catch the disease before it has had the chance to progress and spread. As a result, we can help you seek immediate treatment for your condition.